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Date : 19th Sep 2023
To : All Members of Expertise Resource Association
Date : 14th October 2023, Saturday
Time : 2.30pm
Venue : Join Zoom Meeting
Link : https://go.era.org.my/egmzoom
Meeting ID: 816 7620 8790
Passcode: era2023
Based on the recent 2023 AGM resolution in June this year, we have started the ERA Office Acquisition process so that we will have own premise for our association. After 3 months of searching, we have concluded a property unit to purchase.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to hold an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to approve the following two (2) resolutions below;
Resolution 1:
To approve the purchase of a strata shop-office unit at the address of No. 11-2, 2nd Floor, Jalan 10/125D, Taman Desa Petaling, 57100 Kuala Lumpur. This is an Office Lot held under Master Title No. Pajakan Negeri (WP) 20923 and Lot 34267, Mukim Petaling, District of Kuala Lumpur, State of Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur. The Sale & Purchase price of this property will be Ringgit Malaysia One Hundred Forty Thousand (RM140,000.00).
Resolution 2:
To change the Clause 12 in our ERA Constitution 2017 to reflect the latest ROS requirement for registration of immovable property of an association.
Existing Clause 12: Trustees
Proposed New Clause 12: Immovable Property
This EGM will be held fully virtual via Zoom meeting platform on Saturday, 14th October 2023, 2.30pm.
Notice for this EGM is sent out to all existing members via email address and WhatsApp group. Please note that association will not send out notice using physical mail. This is in line with cost saving efforts and to protect environment This meeting notice is also published on our ERA web site (https://era.org.my/). For your information, more details of the proposed property to purchase in Resolution 1, is in the attached appendix below.
Thank You.
President : Wong Lian Kee
Act. Hon. Secretary : Koh Beng Hock
Address: No. 11-2, 2nd Floor, Jalan 10/125D,
Taman Desa Petaling,
57100 Kuala Lumpur.
2nd floor of a linked shop office (immediate unit)
Shop-Office Size: 867sq ft
Title Tenure: Leasehold, expire by 2085 (62 years left)
Monthly Maintenance charges: RM80.00 (inclusive of Sinking Fund)
Accessibility: Stairway up to 2nd floor, from shop front corridor.